I love my life, crazy as it may be.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not what I had hoped for

I wanted my first post to be something profound, something exciting and inspiring to start off my blog and the new year. I have thought about this post for several weeks now, what I could say that would meet this criteria and I have come up with nothing that really seems to fit. I want this blog overall to be the day in and day out stories of my life. The most important people of my life include my husband and son. It also includes the usual things of home like laundry, dishes and trying to keep some order to things, cooking dinner which I really enjoy most of the time, and baking and being creative when there are a few extra moments to spare. It includes work and the non stopped stream of thoughts that flood my head every hour of the day. I will share with everyone my baking, cooking, pictures of my son (and there will be LOTS of pictures of my son, trust me) as well as some of the random things that just "happen" in my life and my thoughts of those happenings. I'm sure all of this will also be interlaced with book reviews, movie reviews and lots of TV and movie quotes because I feel the great writers in the world should be shared with everyone, this is not to say all that I quote will be great, but they will fit the situation at least.

The next few posts will probably play out something like this: Year in Review, Introductions, A few of my favorite things and some random thoughts. It will be like coming into a TV series mid season, watching an episode and really liking it but now you have all these questions like, who is the main character, why are the involved in whatever it is they are doing, who are these other characters and how are they all connected. So then you get online or wait for some reruns to start from the pilot of the show so you are finally caught up on the story line and it all falls into place and makes sense. At least this is what I hope I can do. Well, not that my life is anywhere near as interesting as a TV show (although I don't find much stuff on TV very interesting anymore) but I am going to give it a shot.

I am sure most of the people who read my blog will only do so because they came upon it by accident, and I am OK with this. I am doing this to share my life and my thoughts with others but mostly for myself. Sometimes you just need an outlet and I am hoping this can be one of mine. So for now I end this, my first post with this quote, which I am totally ignoring by typing these words and hitting the publish button at the bottom. - "Never tell anyone outside the Family what you are thinking again." - Don Corleone - The Godfather, 1972